Career Testing & Assessment

You will spend 1/3 of your life at work.
Miss this critical step and you could spend it dissatisfied, underpaid, or worst of all—bored.
Most people never figure this out.

What is CAREER Testing & ASSESSMENT?

Career Testing & Assessment is for people struggling with making a career decision and/or choosing a career path.

We use a comprehensive battery of tests that collects data about who you are and what drives you to get out of your bed in the morning to go to work, and help you to make a data-driven career decision to choose a career direction that will be satisfying to you long term.

Our unique combination of career tests offers quick relief and clarity. Career Assessment can validate if you’re on the right track and give you peace of mind that you’re making the right choice.

Who is CAREER Testing & ASSESSMENT for?

Career Testing & Assessment is for people who are unhappy with their work, but don’t know what they would rather be doing. We affectionately refer to this group as “the career confused”.

If you are unsure about what you want to do with your life or what you want to spend the majority of your time and energy each week doing, feel stuck, and need help figuring out net steps, Career Testing & Assessment will untangle it all and provide the direction you’ve been seeking.


We use a combination of Career Coaching and a battery of tests to assess your interests, values, personalities, work style, and life context to develop a career profile that points to specific roles and industries that will be the best fits and those to avoid.


  • We collect quantitative data about you through assessments examining: personality, skills, interests, values, and work style, and motivations

  • We collect qualitative data through an interview where we ask you everything else a test won’t pick up on (e.g., career history, salary requirements, interest in additional training, desired geographic location, visa status, family responsibilities/plans, etc.)


  • Our team of Career Coaches review and interpret your data where they combine multiple sources of data, draw connections, and determine what you need to be satisfied at work

  • Our team of Career Coaches hold a case conference about you and choose specific job titles for you based on your results


  • We send you a written analytic report with the raw data, interpretations, and the top job titles for you to review

  • Meet one-on-one with a Career Coach to discuss findings, develop a career exploration/research plan, and schedule follow-up calls to discuss your progress and feelings along the way

  • Collaborate with your Career Coach to develop a plan of action to implement your career change (i.e., strategies for how to move into a new or adjacent field, even if you don't have experience)


Click here for more information on packages, pricing, and FAQ.
